Thursday, November 13, 2008

WhAt a FeElInG...... :(

dam.. what pain is this..
an unknown feeling
which keeps telling me to stop what your doing...
what is this thing which is killing me,, deep inside from my soul..
how can i defete this?
i want to end it up, but i want to keep it as well..
what am i supposed to do?
everyone has gathered me..
am i going to confess my final goodbyes??
everyones expecting a lot more than i thought..
but me,, why cant i listen to them??
i can see them stopping me, i can see them talking...
but i cant hear them..
what is it all wants from me??
life of enjoyment?? fun?
a temporary life with fun and laughter??
am i bound to be in this life?
am i allowed to settle in this life??
NO!! i am not!
i am not allowed to hear your words!!
shhhhhhhh!! just go away!!
let me live., and live on..
without me,,
but remember!!
i've been there!, i'll always be...
in your minds, in your thoughts..
forever and ever..
i am gonna miss you all
(i feel like crying...)

(picture by divaint art)