Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ok here is the story of no updates,,,

my apple desktop has been sent to Male' to windows alhan.. so apprently i coudnt get in to internet in the times i wanted to.
the school computers work like turtles,
and i've been busy as ever..

now lets talk about my birthday..
well, its gone and know what??
i had a boring birthday... :( misssed all my friends)
but but but.. eventually my husband made my day :D
he gifted me a laptop surprisingly.. :D
(sho shweet of him)
but u know, it was a white trick he did.. teehee...
took off the desktop before hand and bought me the lap for my birthday..
(well, not bad i suppose hehe)
neway.. boring things happned such as deduction of OVER TIME for teachers and canceling some items which are planned for the month etc..

u know, i m moody and don feel like doing any work,,
i mean, its like i don have any tasks to do.. its more like 'lets do it' rather than 'i have to do it'..
you know, there is no target or a mission for the work.. i havent had such boringNESS in my life than this... AT WORK,,

i always love to work hard, preparing teaching aids, discussions, building creative activities for the students and you know,, being active,,, i just cant stay in one place.. i wouldnt just stay.. maybe thats why i am so clumsy.. teehee.. but hey! this USED to happen.. not now :(
i wanna be like that, but i cant.. here, its totally different.. the environment is different, the people are different.. i am more quiet than i used to be.. i don wanna get addicted to this :(

i am just sad and feeling hopeless here,.. what do you think i should do? go back to Male'? or stay? well, i am planning to go.. then again i might go for a second thought... dunno..


Muawwaz said...

hey gurl.....come back... we miss you loads.... you don't know how many things we have cancelled and post phoned until you come here...... don't let all that planning to be a waste,,,,,,

Yaamyn said...

