Monday, June 29, 2009

Male' the right destination for the living????

what could you possibly talk about being trapped in Male'?? hmph!!
damn!! its so hard to live here now.. the popualtion increased, the pollution increased, income decreased and expenses increased, the cost of stuffs increased, and the need to want it increased... now, that is a lot of increase and a decrease.. yeah!
i was just wondering about the PLACE..., living in a place like this is a HARD thing! trust me! you need to OWN a place from here... otherwise, just forget it!! I mean, how on earth is EASY for anyone to RENT tiny squares and rectangles for like thousands and thousandsRF?? but i must say, though it isnt easy, people are dying to live here... man!!
thats why i say, the islands need to be developed, it is just so UNFAIR Male' having all the NESSESARY facilities available......
i just wish i had a house with a beautiful garden surrounded.... aaaahhh...
but i bet, it wont ever happen... NOT in Male' for sure... cause u hardly find a tree in any of the areas in Male' .. oh and by the way.. even i am renting a place for *000...

just few words... This tiny island need to be protected,, otherwise.. GOD knows whats next going to happen here... its getting OVERLOADED!!

PS: this is for the islanders like me.. :)


Anonymous said...

wow! i wonder where you got the picture from. did you take it yourself?

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

nop! it was from internet..

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kaiza shozey said...

true true. im so thankful that im from male'. cant even imagine what it must be like to rent a place. most of the salary is gone for the rent anyway. i gues its that way as almost all the resources are available in male'. but hopefully itll all change in a few yrs from now.

Muawwaz said...

well gurl.... life is not easy and it will not be.... not under this or the previous government.... k not gonna talk about f**king politics.... well... I know it will be hard for you to adjust into this life squeezing place..... i think you will get used to this place in a while.....

Anonymous said...
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PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

you seem bothered about the picture Anonymous! if its so.. chill!! i'll remove it! told u its a picture i took from internet!! besides, everyone take pictures from internet and use em.. wats the big deal in it?? if anyone wanted to take my picture and use it (unless saying that its his or hers) i'd be very happy to see it..

so there you go,, the picture is deleted! happy now??