Friday, July 24, 2009


have you heard of multiple personality disorder??

Multiple personality disorder (MPD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behavior. The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other. The unity of consciousness, by which we identify our selves, is said to be absent in MPD. Another symptom of MPD is significant amnesia which can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.Memory and other aspects of consciousness are said to be divided up among "alters" in the MPD. The number of "alters" identified by various therapists ranges from several to tens to hundreds. There are even some reports of several thousand identities dwelling in one person. There does not seem to be any consensus among therapists as to what an "alter" is. Yet, there is general agreement that the cause of MPD is repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse.

last night, i met a Distanced friend, after... lets say..... (its been days) an year ... i think more than that... anyway he used to be a great person in the early beginning of our friendship.. we started seeing each other ... NO, we used to see each other when we wer in tution class... so lets say meeting each other in the year 2005. he is a polite, quite,weird,.. i dunno how to explain his behavior.. but for sure, he wasnt NORMAL.. that i knew.. but NOT in a SERIOUS way.. well, different human beings are different in their own way isnt it? anyway, we became best buddies.. maybe because he always stayed besides me on every difficulty i faced.( when i had no friends)

now that you've known how much i like him, but here's the weird part... we used to argue a lot on stupid, silly happenings... one minute we wud be having a serious conversation, the next minute we wud be arguing about it.. mostly... we argue because of hanging out with other friends and because of finding about ones personal inner strories and exploring them to others.. these are no silly mistakes we do.. these are the mistakes we deliberately do.. DUE to the anger at a particular time.. ofcourse i've never created such stupidity but he...
so, apparently, this has started becoming a burden... and i didnt wanted to carry his stupidity anymore.. i know he had a hard time in his early childhood.. maybe thats why.. i stayed as a friend whenhe kept on talking about me AT TIMES.. the main problem for me was, HE was a CLOSE buddy of one of my Ex boy friends.. and he had contact with him at all times when we were hanging out which i never figured out.. so what happened in betwen us was.. we would argue argue argue and when we get fed up, we stop contacting each other.. just like that!.. and wud stay for like two months without hearing from each other and then starts seeing each other coincidentally..though its weird...

its more like taking a break... when he gets kicked off from somewhere else, again he would remember me.. i am not becoming proud.. but honestly this is wat happenes.. every time when i break up the ship, i wud start getting long texts from him.. via e mail or sms.. or some how.. still i know, we never had the feeling of falling in love or something like that.. it was more like... i am his crying shoulder and he is mine.. so, me who cant deny when people apologizes, forgives easily with advisable mails... and then again we wud be friends.. and again the same thing wud happen..

this has been repeating since 2005.. for the last time he aid sorry in the year 2008, but i never replied him.. because i knew he wasnt profusley regreting what he did... so i never showed up..
but unfortunately, i again met him and we are now friends.. we had lot to share... our conversation lasted more than 3 hours..
at the begingin of our conver we spoke about the feelings we had for each other,, the respect and all.. but then,, later, i couldnt bare to listen to wat he spoke.. i almost cried when i found out a HUGE truth about his self..

then i started regreting... it was me who everytime wanted to let go...
it was me who wanted to forget the SHIP..
it was me who never really UNDERSTOOD him but KNEW every bit of him...
he continuously wanted me to stay... but i never gave a shit...

with in this one year,, he suffered a lot,, and the person he always admired to stay..... never gave a shit to find out if he was living... (which is apparently me)

i dunno why i am even writing this... but i really feel sorry for his desease.. can u imagine?? he has been suffering MPD since last year.. DUE to a BIG reason which i cant say here...
when was explainin me how things workedout, i was making jokes over them.. i even said at his face that you must be having MPD.. (was making a joke)... but when he told me wat really happneed.. i freaked out...