Monday, November 10, 2008

GooD bYeS ArE FoReVeR FoR SoMe PeOpLe... :(

i know, love was when i loved u..
one true time i hold u..
i cud go on.. talking a lot abt LOVE..
but wud it ever make a difference?
i guess they were seasons out of time...
the moments we shared were beautiful and pure,
i know, we want to make them come true..
but yet we havent had a clue HOW to start...
i'm belong to someone else,
same as you..
we tried so many ways.. 
but non of it made a difference..
i still remember your words darl c...
they werent true before... but they used to be once,,
i can feel it, and i believe it NOW...
same time 
i know, we hav no choice.. not a single way to start our life..
i know, you were hopeless before..
NOW, i am hopeless... more than ever...
i loved you... honestly and purely..
but can our dreams ever come true?
i dont think so darl... :( 
i'm gonna miss you... 
good buys arent forever.. thats what people say..
but i guess its our GOOD BYE darl... 
keep living, take good care...


kaiza shozey said...

aaahhhh. maybe this is what u were referring to *whistle*

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

alheyyy uuuuuuuuuu.. why do u take it up dude!!! lol hehhe,, its just a post eyy Arraaaa!!!