Saturday, January 10, 2009

misssing you my dear!

oh my dear,
missing you here,
so badly yeah!!

i'm having this fear,
that i might loose you there,
even my eyes cant bare this tear,
which is waiting to see you near..
oh pls, come back soon in this year...

missing you loads my darling piya! ;P


picture by me


.mini said...

nicely written, very catchy :P

Yaamyn said...

Ah. Just when I thought the age of the great poets was over.:-D

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

lols.. ehentha yaamyn!! and mini thanks...

Nicklen said...

wish that day comes sooner. hope everything turns out to be best this year and wish you success this year.

.:dhiboy:. said...

heheh varah salhi ingey ..=].. btw whats in the pic.. i dndnt get what was in it??

PemPeNeyNo AnEsThEyShiYa said...

alhey a e rose eh dude!!

FETAL MIND said...

kewl poem. i liked it. insha allah he wud come soon. :)